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Meet The Crown Pro Smoothing System

The Crown Pro Smoothing System is a professional salon-only Keratin smoothing system & hair botox treatment. It perfects the hair’s surface, texture, elasticity, and natural shine. The Crown repairs and strengthens damaged hair using a deep-conditioning treatment.

The Crown is the best I’ve used, leaves beautiful shine and straight hair in fabulous condition. My clients love it, seeing clients faces glow with joy is best feeling for a hairdresser. It lasts 4/6 months. This treatment is easy to use, great investment.

The Hair Lounge

What can you achieve with The Crown?

For more inspiration and to see how other Salons and Stylists are transforming their client's hair, follow @thecrownpro on Instagram.

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The products and solutions offered by The Crown are an embodiment of years of experience in the hair care industry. They have introduced a revolutionary procedure for smoothing and straightening hair in salons that does not contain any toxic chemicals. The procedure is based on a molecular algorithm that combines science and Israeli creativity to create a collection of treatments that produce long-lasting results, improve hair surface, texture, elasticity, and natural shine.


The Crown has developed a patent-protected method called Acro-Core, which utilises five smart molecules made from natural ingredients.



The ingredient that makes all the difference in The Crown’s algorithm. It enters the hair’s fibre and changes its behaviour on a molecular level. It reorganizes the dyslipid bonds into a perfect order that gives the hair a soft, elastic feel. Among its many benefits, it helps hair become completely smooth.



Renews the hair fiber by strengthening its layers. Penetrates the hair’s cortex and smooths the fiber while preserving the hair’s texture and volume.


Mustard Oil

The greatest plant source of vitamins A and E, omega 3 and 6, antioxidants, and protein. Mustard oil has an abundance of concentrated active nutrients and moisturizers that renew dry frizzy hair so that it achieves the ideal non-static state.


Acai Juice

There’s no end to this ingredient’s significant benefits. It works like magic to not only repair split ends caused by brushes and hair dryers, but also to prevent them from recurring.


Wheat Germ

Nature’s ultimate ingredient for softening and nourishing damaged hair. It protects the hair from chemical processes from the inside out, giving it natural elasticity and shine.

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Want to try it for yourself? Book a place on one of our upcoming in-person courses!

Study the consultation process, find the best treatment blend for each hair type, engage in practical application and explore the science behind the CROWN PRO technology.

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